Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 19, 2012 - Ready for Floor Finishing

Wow, it sure has been a long time between posts!  We've been busy making finish decisions, helping with cabinet assembly, and all the rest that comes with a home-building project that is nearing completion.  We know we have to pretty much stay out of the house now for the next week as floors are being finished, so I wanted to share some photos of how things are looking these days.  We are thrilled with how it is all turning out!
On the exterior the grading is pretty much complete, walks and driveways have been poured, the patio is in progress and the front porch material is on order, hopefully due to arrive this week.  Here's what we're looking like these days:

The Front

The Back

Obviously there are still a few things left to do (grass and landscaping might be nice?) but this late in the season we're probably just going to try to get some grass in and leave the big planting until the spring.  There have been a lot of things going on inside too.  Tile and unfinished wood floors were installed several weeks ago, but for some reason I haven't taken pictures of most of the tiled rooms since the install, so here are a few older photos:

The basement bathroom (where we used some beautiful leftover tile from my parent's cottage)

And the Master shower floor (my favorite)

We've had lots of other projects happening on the interior too.  The stairs have finish treads, most of the cabinets are in, and the finish trim is substantially completed.  We are moving people!  Here are some photos of the current state of things:

Here's the Living Room/stairs

Another view including the front door and part of the Kitchen island

The Kitchen (and some Living Room)

 The Kitchen/Dining Room

 Dining Room/Front Hall

 Front Hall/Powder Room

 The already-messy Mudroom

My wonderful Office nook

The upstairs hall

 The Kids' Bath

Master Bath

 Master Bedroom

 Master "Closets"

The stairs from the upstairs hall

 The beautiful Rec Room

 More Rec Room

The stairs from the Front Hall (can you tell I love them?!)

So, what do you think?  I know it may not be to everyone's taste (or you may still not be able to visualize how it will all turn out) but we are so excited, and can't believe this will be our home in about six weeks!  Can't wait to post more pictures as we get a little closer!